Kristin & Kristel
Kristin & Kristel


Here are some additional details.

When is the wedding ceremony? 

Dec 1st, 2025 at 1pm

When can we arrive and depart?

The hotel has agreed to give discounted rates from Nov 24th to Dec 6th for anyone booking with the group. If you are looking to stay longer outside of those days we can work with the hotel to extend the rate. Kristin and Kristel plan to arrive Wednesday, November 26th and depart Tuesday, December 2nd. If the dates you select say unavailable, please contact Kristel @ and she will help get you in touch with our representative at the hotel to select the dates you would like.

Can we book through another site?

All wedding guest MUST book through the link provided on this site as we have a group rate set up at a lower cost and contracted out. Guest who book through other sites are at risk of extra cost to attened wedding events. 

What if I find a cheaper rate for the hotel outside of booking with the group?

The hotel has agreed to match any hotel rate, and add an additional 5% discount on top of that. So, if you find lower rates, please let Kristin or Kristel know! We will make sure the hotel lowers the group booking rate for everyone in the group.

How can we arrange transport from the airport to the hotel and back?

As part of our group rate, transportation for 2 people per room is included. There are frequent shuttles from the airport to the Hard Rock. When booking in the "Customize" section, select at the bottom "Free roundtrip transportation for 2 pax (Airport- Hotel- Airport)". If there are more than 2 guests in the room you will need to pay for each additonal person in this section @ $40 per person round trip. 

Do I need a passport or visa?

A passport is required.

Visas are not required for tourists, however customs officers may ask for evidence of a return ticket.

Can I stay in a nearby hotel?

The grounds are quite large; the Hard Rock alone is spread across 121 acres, with 1,800 rooms and 13 pools, so in general tourists do not travel from one all-inclusive resort to another.  However, if this is what it takes to get you there - go ahead! Guest who chose to stay at another resort however are subject to fees for entry to the resort for the ceremony.

Are there group activities or excursions planned outside of the 12/1 ceremony?

At this point no, but that may change!

Is there a dress code?

There is no dress code for the majority of the resort.

However, there is at lease one upscale restaurant called Montserrat Manor (if you choose to dine there) that requires men in long pants and closed-toe shoes with collared shirts. Women are encouraged to wear dresses, skirts, or elegant pants. There is also a popular nightclub on site called the ORO that requires the same for men, and for women, discourages casual beach attire and flip-flops.

How do I book the Hotel again?