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The Couple
Our Story
Over the years

Fall 2004 - Kirby knew my dad some years before meeting me. My dad worked at the middle school Kirby attended as well as coached him in basketball there. Kirby and I met in Spanish class at Vallejo Senior High School.  Kirby recognized me from my dad and leaned over to ask if I was "Nate's Daughter" after a very dry yes I went on to pretend to ignore him.  

We seen a lot of each other since I began to hang out with his older sister LaQueda a lot. 

Fall 2005 - Our puppy love started to grow here since we  began to spend even more time together as we both ended up in the 2005 AKA Debutante Ball. 

November 22, 2005 - We "made it official" that we were dating. We were together somewhere and someone asked who I was and Kirby said I was his "girlfriend". After the person left I told him "who said, you never asked me" but I liked I so it stuck. From then on we were pretty inseperable. We spent very lunch, passing period, and free after school time together that we could. We talked on the phone constantly, never wanting to hang up. Even leaving our phone on the pillow while we slept with each other still on the line.


Fall 2006 - I went away to Los Angeles for college and the seperation was hard on us. Kirby came to visit a couple of times and each time I had to take him to the airport I would call my mom crying because I didnt want him to leave. 

 Summer 2007 - We found out we were pregnant with Zari

 Fall 2007  - We both enrolled in Sacrameto State University and got our first apartment in Rancho Cordova. We stayed out there for one school year only before moving back home with our parents. 

Fall 2008 - 2012 During this time we lived apart off and on. The end of our teens and beginning of our tweenties brougt some trials to our relationship and we weathered the storm and came out stronger. April 2013 we had a life changing conversation that resulted in us obtainging a marriage license.

April 5, 2013 - We got married!!