Kelly & Jake
Kelly & Jake

We're getting married! Finally!

Kelly Gapinski
Jake LaMontia

April 12th 2025
Punta Cana Dominican Republic
31 Days
17 Hours
49 Minutes

Like all fairytale love stories, Jake and Kelly met on Tinder. Kelly was newly divorced with a three-year-old daughter and Jake was newly single with a three-year-old son. They immediately connected on the woes of potty-training and single-parent life. Jake blew Kelly away with how hard he worked at providing for his son all on his own, his willingness to ask for advice, his striking good looks, his taste in music and how much he seemed to want to make Kelly confident in herself. And Kelly hooked Jake with her patience, understanding and being the best mom she could be. He often told her that she was his peace. While at first they were great friends, and texted every single day throughout the day, they both realized that the love that was developing between them was undeniable. Through everything, they've never left the other's side. Eventually they introduced Becksly and Beau to each other and began spending nearly all of their free-time together.

Jake is six years younger than Kelly but you'd never be able to tell (except when the topic of movies or songs that they grew up with comes up). And it's sometimes odd to think that when Kelly was graduating college, Jake was finishing his junior year of high school. But none-the-less, they are a perfect match.

Their relationship has never been "normal". They couldn't sit and talk on the phone every night because they were actively parenting their respective kids. Texting was their main form of communication for a long time. When they did get to see each other, it wasn't for more than an hour or so at a time. They were never really able to go on dates at the beginning because Jake always had Beau with him. (In fact, their first time out to dinner together, Beau was in attendance.) Their relationship has been a family since the moment they decided to commit. When most couples can be carefree and not take things too seriously in the beginning, Jake and Kelly knew that their alegiance to each other went far beyond, well, each other. They took forming their family seriously. Their devotion, from day one, was always a lifetime fidelity. Fast forward five years and they now have two more kids, making it a total of four. Kelly's daughter Becksly and Jake’s son Beau are 10, their son Luca is three, and Tatum will be one-year-old in November 2024. 

Kelly and Jake are proud of the family they have created. They're truly best friends and a great team. When Luca was born they didn't go through too much of a test as a couple (as some do with their first child) because they had already been parenting together for years.

Last summer they went to Italy (Rome and Sicily) with Jake’s family and while in Sicily, Kelly wanted to take maternity/bump photos to announce their pregnancy on social media. While Jake’s brothers' significant others were taking the photos with the sun setting over the Ionian Sea and Mt. Etna in the background, Jake got down on one knee and proposed. Kelly, being the emotional person she is, cried like a baby and immediately said yes. They sure took their time to get to this moment, but wow was it worth the wait. They could not have had a more perfect engagement.

They are so excited to celebrate their love for each other with all of their closest family and friends in 2025!