Matthew & Leann
Matthew & Leann

We're Getting Married!

Matthew Rosenfeld
Leann Pettit

March 14th 2023
Hard Rock Hotel Punta Cana Dominican Republic
727 Days Ago

Instead of the typical "About The Couple," we decided to do a Q&A for you to all enjoy!


What did they wear on your first date?

Matt: Umm...clothes?

Leann: Pants? Maybe? Jeans? And a band t-shirt? That sounds likely.

Who made the first move?

M: Me, of course!

L: Matt, obviously.

Who’s the better kisser?

M: Tie!

L: Me, again, obviously.

Who said ‘I love you’ first?

M: Guilty!

L: Uhhh…Matt, I think?

Describe a romantic moment.

M: Surprising/kidnapping Leann for her birthday by taking her to Anguilla (and not telling her where we were going until we got to the connecting airport).

L: Every work day, Matt sends me a photo of our kitty, Cora. It makes me smile and it means so much for him to take the time out of his day every day to do this.

What’s their weirdest quirk?

M: Leann's weirdest quirk is snoozing every 10 minutes for hours before waking up!

L: Just one? (Ha!) He doesn’t like to get lost. It makes him anxious.

Name something that’s surprised you when you first met your significant other.

M: Her amazing cooking ability!

L: That he plays so many different instruments!

Who’s better at remembering anniversaries?

M: Definitely me!

L: My Google calendar. Facebook. (And, Matt.)

If your significant other were a Disney character, who would they be?

M: Merida because of her uncontrollable (and beautiful!) red hair.

L: Pooh Bear - because Matt loves treats, he’s snuggly and always there for you.

How did he propose?

M: On Christmas morning with our fur-baby Cora watching as her final gift.

L: Very nervously on Christmas morning. It was the last present under the tree.