Shandrica & Eric
Shandrica & Eric


Shandrica Coleman
Eric Kelly

September 21st 2024
Riviera Maya Mexico
171 Days Ago

So this is the testament of the love shared between two lovers.

It was the year of 1999 in Miami, Florida. A girl and boy were both in their teenage years.  One was a student at Edison High School. "LETS Go RAIDERS". Like most ladies in their high school journey this girl added clubs/teams to her extra-curricular activities and one of them was the Edison High Cheerleading Squad. One evening, in the midst of her practicing her toe-touches and cartwheels, the boy and his friends was hanging around the school, parlaying and scoping the scene. The boy spotted the girl while she was warming up around the track and gossiping with her friends. The boy and the girl eyes met. Maybe it was fate? Maybe the boy was just staring real hard and the girl just couldn't help but stare back. Either way they didn't speak. The boy kept walking and the girl continued practicing.  Time had passed and the girl was finishing up practice and the boy decided to approach her. The boy kindly asked her, "What's your name?".  She answered, "Shandrica". He replied, "I'm Eric, Can I have your number?". Shandrica and Eric spent time learning to grow their love. Through life experiences, trials, and triumphs these two souls briefly partied ways but as the saying goes "if two people are meant to be together, they will find their way back somehow". Eric & Shandrica souls connected again sparking undeniable love and their bond have been unbreakable since


The choice to love some is easy. The choice to live through love is a bit more difficult. 

From today and forevermore, Eric and Shandrica have decided to unify and solidify their love before God and their loved ones. 

Their love is inspiration and hope to keep choosing to love and to live through love.