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The Couple
Colleen's Love Story
Sarah's Love Story
Wedding Party
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Travel Information
Gift Registry

My story starts in mid-June, when I decided I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my best friend.  So, I purchased a ring and hid it in my backpack since I was on nights.  I then presented this ring to everyone as a promise ring, just to make sure I basically purchased the correct ring.  You know, something not so flashy but slightly different.  The thought was I'd give this ring to Sarah when we were on our vacation to the islands.  On my last shift on nights, Sarah made sure she stayed up to kick off the first day of vacation.  That night we decided to lay on the hammock by the fire and have a drink.  It was somewhere in that moment I knew that tonight was the night.

I then claimed that I had to use the bathroom, but little did she know that I went into my backpack and took out the ring that I had been carting around for roughly 2 weeks and put it on my finger.  When I got back outside I acted like nothing had happened, I just laid back down.  We started talking, laughing, and carrying on about our upcoming vacation to the islands.  Mind you I'm still wearing this ring.  Then somehow, it flipped off my finger and I thought I had lost it.  I claimed I had dropped my lighter so I could pick it up without Sarah noticing.  The entire time that this is happening, Sarah is laughing at me. 

Something that you may not know about Sarah is that, whenever she laughs at me, she follows it with "Ah honey, I love you".  I then always respond with "Why do you love me?"  Sarah normally gives me a brief BLAH BLAH BLAH and then asks why do I love her?  Well, this night Sarah responds with her BLAH BLAH BLAH and then asks, "why do you love me?"  I answered with what felt to be 30 minutes of why I love her, saying everything that I could think of.  I went on so long you would have thought I was giving her 50 reasons why we should get married.  When I finished my reasons why, we both laughed but I wasn't finished.  I then looked at her with this huge smile on my face and asked her "Well, do you want to do this forever with me?"  Sarah responded with "Are you asking me to marry you?"  I then said with my awesome sarcasm as we call it, "It depends, are you saying yes?"  I pulled the ring off my finger to show Sarah I was being serious and she immediately said "Yes".  We continued to talk a bit more on how we would tell everyone.  Then out of NOWHERE and I mean NOWHERE, she goes "did you ask my mom?"  Then I had to explain the well, kind of, sort of.  Sarah firmly said "NO, tomorrow we are going to my moms, but I love my ring."  How else was I supposed to respond except like a puppy with my tail between my legs, "OK dear?"