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One morning in April 2017, while at work, I called Rebeca and said "hey, wanna go to Paris for a week this summer?"  As we both have a deep love and appreciation for travel, she immediately said yes.  It, initially, was just going to be another one of our jaunts around the globe.  Then it occurred to me, "hey dummy, you're going to PARIS! This would be the perfect time to propose!" 

I spent the next month searching for, then ultimately designing what I think is the most beautiful ring in the world. I then called Rebeca's sister to get her thoughts on my plans.  She was super excited.  Then, the operative question..."how is this going to go with your dad?" She reassured me that it would be perfect, while casually inserting a veiled threat about taking good care of her sister. Love it.  They are super tight!  Back to the dad... we have gotten along really well since the first time we met, but this is still a big ask.  Nateasha and I finished out conversation, then I immediately called him.

It wasn't totally uncommon for me to call him periodically, but this was clearly going to be different.  Those of you who know me very well,  know that I don't really believe in beating around the bush.  That rubs some people the wrong way, but hey, it's worked well for me over the years. 

After a few pleasantries, I tell him "sir, I'm not really into beating around the bush & I know you're probably busy now, so I'll just get right to it.  I love your daughter and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.  I called you to ask for your blessing in taking her hand in marriage."  He chuckled and said "I appreciate you getting right to it."  He didn't beat around the bush in responding that he absolutely supported my decision and had his blessing.  We then had a long conversation about how we both shared the experience of being single fathers raising children at the same time working ensure that everyone's needs were met.  It was a profoundly deep conversation and we finished with a common understanding.

Fast forward a month, the boys know Rebeca and I are going to Paris for a week.  They have all kinds of questions about the trip, what we are going to do and see.  Then one Saturday, they are in the basement playing.  Steven comes upstairs, scans the family room, comes over to me, and whispers "Dad, we were downstairs talking & think that you should probably propose to Rebeca while you guys are in Paris."  I whispered "I think you're right!  I'm already planning it! Shhhhh..." His eyes lit up and he took off back downstairs.  The remainder of the day I got lots of winks & thumbs ups behind Rebeca's back.

June 11, 2017, we fly into Paris.  As Paris is “fancy,”  Rebeca packed a nice suit for me and a pretty dress for her.  We are going to take some professional photos while we are there.  In the months leading up to the trip, I took great care in choosing the right photographer & was in fairly consistent contact about exactly how I wanted it to go down.  After a couple days traipsing around Paris, we are scheduled for our “fancy pictures.”  We hop out of the Uber at a café where Odrida, our photographer, is waiting.  We greet and begin walking over to the Trocadero, which is the best place in Paris to get photos with the Eiffel Tower as a backdrop.  Rebeca is really getting into the photo shoot.  Odrida is directing all kinds of poses, and after about 10 or 15 minutes, she gives the signal…”okay, now take a minute or so just to do what you want.

Game time… I get down on one knee as I’m pulling the pouch out of my jacket pocket.  I draw the ring from the pouch, look up into Rebeca’s eyes while presenting the ring with two hands.  It was a sunny day, and whew…it was blinging.  I told her that I couldn’t imagine living the rest of my life without her by my side and asked if she would marry me.  Fight, flight, or FREEZE… she stood there as if someone hit the pause button on the hands of time.  Her eyes were fixated on the ring.  Her legs looked a little rubbery, and she began to cry.  Wait… I asked a question. This marble is hard down here. Is this a yes or a no?  She snapped out of her trance, stared into my eyes while she continued to cry.  She said “Yes!” while mildly hyperventilating and leaned in to kiss me.  I slid the ring onto her finger and you could see the sheer joy pouring out of her eyes.  She had NO idea whatsoever this is what was going to happen today.  Mission Accomplished! Odrida got some incredible pictures throughout the whole thing.  I told her that Rebeca’s pause was a little worrisome for me & she began to laugh.  She said she wasn’t 100% sure either.  Rebeca was still catching her breath & was in no condition to join our laughter.  The remainder of the day was amazing.  This was surreal.  I’m in Paris with the woman of my dreams & she just agreed to marry me.  Win!  I still have video of her doing the robot and dancing while showing off her ring when we got back to the hotel that afternoon.  It’s hilarious & I will show it to anybody who wants a serious laugh!
